iPhone Backdoor

4 days after the release of the first iPhone the NSA began developing DROPOUTJEEP – a exploit that offers remote access to files, SMS messages, camera capture and location, and more device specific information. Data can be transferred from the device through SMS and adata connection, which explains this. All transfers are, of course, encrypted, so that only you, the American government, your government, and the highest bidder have access to it.

The document also claims that the NSA were working on a remote installation method – and with it being 6 years in the works it is very likely available.

Apple’s involvement is unknown.



Political progress in the World has not kept up with the pace at which technology and scientific knowledge have evolved. Government’s handfuls of Twitter accounts and a mostly-ignored e-petition websites do not take full advantage of the ability of the Internet to act as a global communication tool. In an age where Government is run like Business, it seems foolish that it has not tried to evolve past the paradigm of locked doors and secrecy showered in media sensationalism. Meta-government software has evolved from this thought and is attempting to construct a system that could one day replace traditional government.

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Parliament Square; 8pm, the 5th November. Two girls covered by thin white strips of cloth and flour flow like liquid inbetween each other. One leaps into the other’s arms; she holds her tight and floats over to the police perimeter. She gazes into a policeman’s eyes, and then gently places her friend at his feet. The policeman’s colleagues look at each other baffled, and one of their ranks can’t take it; his eyes are spinning… his mind, which for years has been programmed to “think the right thing”, decides that this is Too Much. He’s freaking inside his head. His partner to his side notices his distress and motions at him to calm down, and, fortunately, the two ghostlike girls move on with their dance, out, out into the crowd. The police’s view becomes blocked by a crowd of demonstrators, and a hint of disappointment touches a couple of faces before they remember that they must Act as Expected. They reattach their professional masks and return to starting dead-eyed at the crowd.

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